love has won hoax with mother god

The Greatest Cult Hoax in History—Exposing the Cover Up

I wasn’t sure if I’d ever share this story about the Love Has Won hoax.

Because even in the bizarre, delusional world I found myself in, the story of the Love Has Won cult hoax stands out as one of the greatest, most disturbing, manipulative, and shocking events I ever witnessed. By far. Even worse than watching a guy pay $500,000 to be “Father God” for a couple of months.

It wasn’t just that a cult scandal and a spiritual fraud was exposed.
It wasn’t just that we had all been deceived and manipulated.

This was the moment when I watched Mother God become a fake leader herself, and choose lies over truth, power over honesty, and submission over justice.

And when I finally called out the love has won hoax, I was given an ultimatum: stay silent, or leave the cult forever.

I chose the truth.

This is what happened.

The Day the “Quantum Beings” Arrived

Years before the Love Has Won cult collapsed, before its leader—Mother God (Amy Carlson)—was found mummified, wrapped in Christmas lights, I was her closest friend and her most trusted ally.

If you know anything about this cult, you know Mother God claimed to be divinely guided. She insisted that angels, ascended masters, and extraterrestrial beings spoke to her constantly, directing her every move.

But one night, something unexpected happened.

A group of three or four new users suddenly appeared in our online chatroom—where we spent hours discussing spirituality, helping followers, and reinforcing Mother God’s teachings.

Their usernames were bizarre and childlike:
🟢 Greeny
🎀 Pinky
😂 Funny
😊 Happy

And what made them so captivating was the way they spoke.

These “beings” were typing in perfect unison, finishing each other’s sentences in a way that felt almost supernatural.

Each would speak only part of a sentence, with 4-5 different chat members completing 1 thought, their comments read like:

  • “Upstairs in her bedroom—”
  • “move the carpet and look—”
  • “under the floorboards. You will see—”
  • “a loose board that you can remove—”
  • “and there you will find a box with the will.”

At first, we were fascinated.

Who were they? Were they real? How did they know these things?

And then the miracles started.

love has won hoax amy carlson

The “Miracle” That Made Us Believe

A desperate mother entered the chatroom, frantic and hopeless.

Her own mother had just passed away suddenly, and no one in the family knew where she had hidden her will.

She was on the verge of losing everything—her house, her cars, her children’s stability—because the will had vanished.

And then, the Quantum Beings stepped in.

They guided her to the exact location of the will.

She disappeared from the chat for about 20 minutes.

When she returned, she was in tears of joy.

💬 “Oh my God. It was exactly where they said it would be. We found it. Everything is saved. Thank you! Thank you!”

It was impossible to ignore.

It wasn’t just a guess—they had been exactly right.

This single event instantly catapulted the Quantum Beings into cult legend.

People flocked to our chatroom by the hundreds every night, desperate for guidance, asking them questions, hoping for their own miracle.

And the Quantums? They delivered.

Over the next few days, they performed several more “impossible feats”—helping people find lost objects, revealing personal secrets that no one else could know.

Mother God was all in. There was never a thought about it being a Love Has Won hoax. Everyone was enamored.

She consulted her guides—Kyron, St. Germain, the angels—and they all confirmed that the Quantum Beings were real. No signs of a hoax here, yet.

They were here to help guide Mother God in leading humanity into the Great Awakening.

Except, they weren’t.

The Quantum Beings Take Control

As their influence grew, the Quantum Beings began directing the cult.

They weren’t just offering spiritual guidance anymore—they were giving orders.

  • What Mother God should do.
  • Who should be promoted within the group.
  • Who should be trusted.

Then, something even more sinister happened.

The Quantum Beings chose a “spiritual healer” within our team—a man who would help “release Mother God’s negative energy” through private healing sessions.

These sessions were held late at night, behind closed doors, while Mother God was highly intoxicated.

This man would pretend to enter a trance-like state, shaking uncontrollably, before suddenly “becoming” Father God.

Then, in his “altered state,” he convinced Mother God that sexual acts were necessary for her spiritual purification.

And in her vulnerable and misguided state, she believed him.

I was surprised that she was so easily deceived and risked everything, including our relationship, and her status as a spiritual fraud.

The Discovery That Changed Everything

Something was wrong.

I had heard the moaning night after night.
I had confronted Mother God several times.

Every time, she denied it, gaslit me, and said my “ego” was making things up.

I spent weeks trying to suppress my feelings, my worry, my jealousy…my intuition.

Until finally, I discovered the horrifying truth.

The Quantum Beings?

🚨 They weren’t real.

🚨 The “healer” was behind it all.

🚨 He had faked the beings, orchestrated the miracles, and manipulated Mother God into believing she had to have sex with him.

It was a hoax. A total lie.

And when I confronted Mother God with the truth, she broke down.

She admitted she felt violated.

Because the reality was, she had been manipulated into sex under false pretenses.

And that? She told me that she felt very strongly that it was rape.

The Love Has Won Hoax Turns to an Ultimatum

When I exposed the Love Has Won hoax to the team, Mother God and Michael (her pet and enforcer) turned on me.

Instead of denouncing the fraud, they doubled down.

I was given a clear choice:

  1. Stay silent and remain in the group.
  2. Tell the truth and be exiled immediately.

I knew what I had to do.

With the entire team standing around as I was given this ultimatum, all I could do was smile at everyone.

I walked over to the laptop, opened the chatroom, and typed out the entire truth.

I exposed everything.

Then, with the whole team watching, I pressed SEND.

Final Thoughts: The Cult Leader Who Chose Lies Over Truth

This was the moment when I saw Mother God choose deception.

She could have admitted the truth.
At least she expelled the fraud.

She didn’t want to admit that her guides were all fake, they had all “told her” the Quantum Beings were 100% legit so now, she was as transparent as one could get.

Instead, she chose to protect the illusion. And her image.

And from that moment forward, the Love Has Won cult was never the same.

I have no doubt that this exact moment was the beginning of her downward spiral.

The moment where she first chose lies and deceit over truth, accountability and honesty.

From that moment on, all that she preached would forever be hypocritical.

And I?

I chose truth.

And I eventually walked away with my soul, and my mind, fully in tact.

💬 Have you ever ignored your intuition and later regretted it? Drop a comment—I’d love to hear your thoughts.

🔹 Watch the full video breakdown here: [ ]
🔹 More cult survivor stories at
🔹 If you have a story to share, we’re listening.

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