the dangers of seeking truth with mother god and the love has won cult

The Danger of Seeking Truth—In A World Full of Lies

What if the deeper you search for truth, the more lost you become?Or if, in uncovering deception, you open a door to even greater illusions?What are the odds on making it through the labyrinth better than you started? Most people believe that seeking truth leads to enlightenment. But in my case, the danger of seeking…

When Mother God Claimed Robin Williams as Her Spiritual Guide

Robin Williams Spirit Guide—Mother God’s Astonishing New Claim

I was there the day Robin Williams spiritual guide “arrived.” It was one of those moments that, even in the already surreal reality after joining Mother God’s cult, stood out. Not just because of how absurd it was, but because it marked the beginning of a shift—one where Amy Carlson, aka Mother God, started losing…

how to recover from a cult like love has won

How to Recover From A Cult and Stay Grounded

How to recover from a cult is like trying to escape a psychological warzone, in my experience. I remember sitting in a room full of devoted followers, questioning everything. At first I didn’t trust my own thoughts. Look at that picture. It was taken on the second day after I arrived and I looked like…

cult financial exploitation at ceremony

Mother God’s Ultimate Con: The Man Who Paid $500K to Be ‘Father God’—and Left Broke

He was 55 years old, successful, and financially stable. By all accounts, Greg should have been the kind of man who knew better than to fall for some outlandish cult financial exploitation scheme. And yet, within months of joining the Love Has Won cult, he would sell his home, liquidate his 401k, withdraw nearly half…

love has won hoax with mother god

The Greatest Cult Hoax in History—Exposing the Cover Up

I wasn’t sure if I’d ever share this story about the Love Has Won hoax. Because even in the bizarre, delusional world I found myself in, the story of the Love Has Won cult hoax stands out as one of the greatest, most disturbing, manipulative, and shocking events I ever witnessed. By far. Even worse…

how people join cults

How People Join Cults: How I Got Pulled Into a High-Control Group

That’s me, doing my first video with Mother God just a day after I arrived. How I ended up there is a long story, and how people join cults, isn’t how you think. I actually don’t think it was a cult when I arrived, not yet. It had all the makings, though. The psychology of…