When Mother God Claimed Robin Williams as Her Spiritual Guide

Robin Williams Spirit Guide—Mother God’s Astonishing New Claim

mother god and robin williams as a guide

I was there the day Robin Williams spiritual guide “arrived.”

It was one of those moments that, even in the already surreal reality after joining Mother God’s cult, stood out. Not just because of how absurd it was, but because it marked the beginning of a shift—one where Amy Carlson, aka Mother God, started losing herself in the web of beliefs and the narrative she had created.

This wasn’t just another one of her “downloads” from the universe.” It was something different.

Because Robin Williams spirit guide didn’t just visit her energy field that day.

He became her protector, her enforcer, her weapon.

And if you crossed her? Well, now you were crossing Robin too.

The Mushroom Trip That Changed Everything

It started like most of these early and absurd new developments did—during a mushroom trip.

Friday night was mandatory for the team. Every week, we gathered in the bedroom—six of us, sitting on the carpeted floor, passing around pre-rolled joints while Amy documented her “divine revelations” in a five-subject notebook.

This was routine.

Amy’s notebooks were everywhere—scattered across tables, shelves, and dressers, filled with scrawled entries that she believed would one day be the sacred texts of the “New Age’s Bible.”

But this time was different.

At some point during the trip, Amy went quiet. Her eyes widened. She tilted her head slightly, as if listening to something we couldn’t hear.

Then, she smiled. A huge, childlike grin.

“There’s someone here,” she announced. “A new guide is entering the field.”

By “field,” she meant her energetic space—the place she believed was inhabited by ascended masters like St. Germain, Kryon, and her personal angelic protectors.

She closed her eyes for a long moment, letting the suspense build and build. We all waited, staring at her, half-drunk on the mushrooms and the moment.

She said she couldn’t quite make out who it was, at first. It took several minutes before it came together.

Then, finally, she gasped.

“It’s Robin Williams! Robin’s here to be my new spirit guide!”

The Collective “WTF” Moment

I remember glancing around at the others, thinking; “Robin Williams spirit guide?”

Nobody spoke. Nobody challenged her.

Because you didn’t question Mother God.

Even though we had all mastered the art of silent communication, exchanging subtle looks that said, “Oh boy, here we go again,” we kept our expressions carefully neutral.

On a mushroom trip, even the slightest dissent was easily felt.

Some people nodded, their faces blank. Others blinked slowly, as if trying to process what they had just heard.

Then there’s also the idea that, nobody wants to turn a collective mushroom trip into a negative experience. So challenging her on the spot just wasn’t going to happen.

We found ourselves playing along with it. It was like some “cosmic game of house” we were playing. Like we were children again, it was just more fun to go along with the pretense of this new Robin Williams spirit guide thing.

But then there was Michael.

Michael was Amy’s most devoted follower, her true believer, her “Yes Man” in chief. If she had said Elvis Presley had just joined her spirit team, he would have accepted it without blinking.

I watched him instinctively nod, his face lighting up with something close to reverence. And he usually abstained, so he was the only one of us who wasn’t tripping. Go figure.

Robin Williams Spirit Guide: The Enforcer of Mother God’s Wrath

At first, Robin’s arrival was just another layer of weirdness in an already bizarre belief system.

It brought a sense of humility at first, making lighthearted jokes as we remembered all of our memorable childhood moments that Robin had created with his incredible skill as an actor.

In that moment, tripping on mushrooms, it was somewhat more fascinating for me, personally. When I was a child actor I passed up an opportunity to be interviewed by Robin Williams for a part in the movie “Jumanji.” I was one of 5 boys who made the cut to play the boy who turned into a monkey. Robin wanted to meet us, personally, before deciding. I declined and chose to play in a travel soccer game, instead. File that one under “/regrets.”

Anyway, most kids born in the 80’s and 90’s grew up loving Robin. So if Mother God wanted to walk down this path with Robin Williams as her new spirit guide then I guess it could’ve been worse. At least it was someone who brought cheer and delight when you thought of them.

But it didn’t stay that way.

It didn’t take long for the happiness and humor to take a darker turn.

Robin quickly became more than just another spirit guide. He became her protector—a weaponized version of herself that she could use to shut down any challenge, any doubt, any rebellion.

From that point on, if someone questioned Amy, she didn’t respond directly.

She would say:
“Robin’s not happy.”
“Robin says you’re in your ego.”
“Robin says get out of your fucking ego and stop treating ‘Mom’ with disrespect!”

And just like that, any argument was over.

Because how could you argue with Robin Williams?

You’d think a real spirit guide would’ve at least warned her about the Quantum Love Has Won hoax, too. Nope. Apparently, he must’ve been in on it. /eyeroll

But at some point, the jokes and humor began to end. And a new version of Robin was coming for blood and egos…

When Robin Spoke, There Was No Room for Debate

This was the genius of it. Whether she realized it or not.

She didn’t just use Robin as a fun little addition to her spiritual entourage.

She hid behind him. And I don’t think it was done on purpose, I think her mind created him in order to protect her, almost like a child makes an imaginary friend.

But by channeling her commands through Robin, she distanced herself from any negativity.

If she was being harsh? That wasn’t her losing control.
If she lashed out? That wasn’t her being cruel.

That was Robin talking.

It was an incredible mind trick.

And what’s wild is—it worked.

Even the most skeptical members of the team, the ones who still clung to some semblance of rationality, found it hard to push back against the idea of Robin Williams.

Because if you questioned him, it didn’t just mean you were doubting Amy.

In her mind it meant you were disrespecting the beloved comedian’s memory.

And that? That was unthinkable.

We all loved Robin. Who doesn’t?

Her Delusion Became a Crutch—And Then It Became a Weapon

At first, Amy used Robin playfully.

She spoke about him as if he was a wisecracking guardian angel, someone who brought charisma, humor, and no-nonsense energy to her team of guides.

But over time, Robin’s presence shifted.

The jokes became less frequent. The messages from the Robin Williams spirit guide became harsher, more aggressive.

Instead of offering guidance, he delivered orders.
Instead of protecting Amy, he defended her delusions.

And if you crossed him?

You were crossing the one thing Amy could never forgive: her own ego.

Oh no, you didn’t want to go there. She had no ego as far as she was concerned and to say otherwise was sure to make the entire team gasp, like, “uhoh…”

The Cracks in the Robin Williams Spirit Guide Delusion Were Showing

What made this all so fascinating was how much Amy believed it.

This wasn’t an act.

She genuinely, wholeheartedly, believed Robin Williams had joined her as a spiritual protector.

But here’s the thing about deeply rooted delusions—they require constant reinforcement to stay intact.

So every time she felt doubt creeping in, every time someone’s questioning threatened to pull at the edges of her reality, she leaned harder into Robin’s presence.

And in doing so, she was no longer just convincing us—she was convincing herself.

What I found most amusing was all of the times the Robin Williams spirit guide tried to tell a joke. Mother God never once could deliver the punchline. Instead, she’d just say “pshhhht” and giggle as if it was just going to stay a secret between her and Robin. But in reality, it was obvious that she was just trying too hard. Clearly there was no Robin Williams spirit guide there.

Those moments were cringeworthy among the group but I always found them funny. Almost as if that WAS the joke. She’d just move on to the next thing and keep on pretending, as if it wouldn’t eventually have consequences…

The Beginning of Mother God’s Downward Spiral

Looking back, this was a turning point.

Before Robin’s arrival, Amy’s authority relied on her charm, her conviction, and her ability to manipulate people with a smile.

After Robin?

It was about fear. Control. Submission.

Robin wasn’t a guide.
He was a wall between her and reality.

And as time went on, those walls started closing in.

She included him in everything. As the person closest to her, it was like he was always right there and we were never quite alone. Talking to Amy always included comments “from Robin” and it was something I just had to accept and live with.

Final Thoughts: The Thin Line Between Belief and Madness

This was one of the first moments I saw it.

The tipping point.

The moment when Mother God wasn’t just playing a role anymore—she was losing herself in it.

Robin Williams wasn’t just another delusion.

He was a shield against the truth. A sword against dissent.

And when you start believing your own mythology?

That’s when she really began to lash out—something she would eventually become infamous for.

But here’s the thing about delusions: they demand constant validation.

And when the world doesn’t give it to you, you either let go… or you double down.

Keep this lady out of a casino. All Mother God ever did was double down.

She claimed so many celebrity spirit guides—Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Marilyn Monroe, even Jesus Christ himself. But it wasn’t just about channeling the dead anymore.

She started issuing warnings.

Prophecies. The impending doom coming for all non-believers! /yawn

It really did get old so fast. Always claiming to be egoless and did mental gymnastics to justify her intense rage.

She told me her Robin Williams spirit guide was adement about the Great Purge to come—a time when those who doubted her divinity would be “recycled” in the galactic central sun. Ranting about hidden cosmic battles, unseen forces warring beyond the veil, and how she alone could interpret the messages of the enlightened beyond.

…a skill that was possible since she had no ego, clearly. “/sarcasm”

And the more she spoke, the more the lines blurred—until she left her followers with no choice but to let go of their senses completely and blindly follow her, or leave.

Some wonder whether she was making it all up, or if she truly believed it.

That’s the scariest thing about watching a leader cross the final threshold into delusion—it doesn’t happen all at once.

It happens in whispers.

In glances.

In one absurd claim at a time.

Until one day, you wake up, and Robin Williams isn’t just a spirit guide anymore.

He’s a commander in the celestial war raging beyond the veil.

A messenger of the apocalypse.

And if you’re not careful?

Maybe you’ll start believing it too! “/sike, jk”

💬 What do you think? Do you believe people can truly convince themselves of their own delusions? Drop a comment—I’d love to hear your thoughts.

🔹 More cult survivor stories at InsideMotherGodsCult.com.
🔹 If you have a story to share, we’re listening.

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